Mark Heiden

Senior Consultant

Mark Heiden works as a Senior Consultant with a specialization on manager selection at alpha portfolio advisors. Since 2016, he has been working on the analysis and successful selection of active investment strategies in the asset classes equities, bonds and absolute return / hedge funds for institutional mandates and fund of funds. Previously, he worked for a total of 5 years parallel to his studies at Deutsche Lufthansa AG, initially as part of the Lufthansa St.i.p. Finance Program with an assignment abroad in New York. Subsequently, he worked as a treasury manager in Lufthansa’s Corporate Treasury, where he was responsible for risk- and liquidity management as well as for the analysis and further development of pension fund investments.

Mr. Heiden studied business administration at the University of Mannheim and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He completed his studies with a specialization in finance in the "M. Sc. Mannheim Master in Management (MMM)" program with a thesis in the field of behavioral finance and active management at the chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Martin Weber.


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